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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 187-196 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...187

Antihypertensive effect of a Chinese herbal formula (Salvia˙miltiorrhiza compound recipe) in hypertensive rats induced by high-fructose, high-salt, and high-fat diet

Wanghui˙Yana,b, Kun˙Liua,b, Yue˙Zhenga,b, Jingjing˙Caoa,b, Aona˙Zhanga,b, Guohua˙Weia,b, Qingmei˙Zenga,b,*

ABSTRACT:     This study investigates the antihypertensive effect of a Chinese herbal formula (Salvia miltiorrhiza compound recipe, SMCR) and analysed its underlying mechanisms of action using hypertensive male Sprague Dawley rats. Hypertension was induced by the addition of 5% fructose to drinking water and placing the rats on a high-fat and high-salt diet. The animals were divided into six groups of eight rats each: the untreated control group, a high hypertensive group (HMG), SMCR three-dose groups (LDG, MDG, HDG), and a captopril positive control group. Body weight, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate were measured once a fortnight. At the end of the study, a number of indicators related to hypertension were detected. Kidney tissue was stained using H&E. The hypertension model was successfully established by the high-fructose, high-salt and high-fat diet. Compared with the model group, SMCR could reduce SBP and DBP, and decrease the levels of renin, AngII, ET-1, TG, total cholesterol, LDL-C, left ventricular hypertrophy index, HW/BW, uric acid, and insulin (p<0.05). SMCR could increase the levels of nitric oxide, eNOS and HDL-C (p<0.05). There was no effect on weight or heart rate (p<0.05), and there were no pathological changes in the kidney. The analysis of the experimental data shows that the SMCR has a significant effect on reducing hypertension, regulating abnormal lipid metabolism, and slightly affects insulin and uric acid levels.

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a School˙of˙Food˙Science˙and˙Engineering, Hefei˙University˙of˙Technology, Hefei˙230009, Anhui, China
b Engineering˙Research˙Centre˙of˙Bio-Process, Ministry˙of˙Education, Hefei˙University˙of˙Technology, Hefei˙230009, Anhui, China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: zengqingmei-1@163.com

Received 7 May 2018, Accepted 20 Jun 2018