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Research articles

ScienceAsia 37 (2011): 195-204 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2011.37.195

Marine bivalves occurring on the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand

Kitithorn Sanpanich

ABSTRACT:     This study presents a list of marine bivalve species that occur along the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand, from the province of Chonburi to Trad. Of the 55 sampling sites, 20 were located in Chonburi, 10 in Rayong, 7 in Chanthaburi, and 18 in Trad. Specimens were collected from sandy beaches, muddy sand, rocky shore, and coral reefs, between April 2005 and July 2009. A total of 321 species, 43 families, and 118 genera were recorded. The most widespread species were Tridacna crocea and T. squamosa (Tridacnidae) which occurred in 37 locations, followed by Barbatia foliata (Arcidae) and Liochoncha annettae (Veneridae) presented in 36 sites, Pedum spondyloideum (Pectinidae) that was found in 35 sites, Tapes literatus that occurred in 34 sites, and Vasticardium pectiniforme (Cardiidae) that was registered in 33 sites. The highest diversity was observed in Rayong province with 192 species, B. foliata being the most common species. The lowest diversity was registered in Chanthaburi province, 76 species, where Tellina inflata (Tellinidae) was the most common species. In Chonburi province there were 187 species identified, of which V. pectiniforme and Ctena bella (Lucinidae) were the most common. Finally, in Trad province of the 179 species recorded the most common one was L. annettae.

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Institute of Marine Science, Burapha University, Tambon Saensook, Amphur Mueang, Chonburi, 20131 Thailand

* Corresponding author, E-mail: kitithor@buu.ac.th

Received 14 Sep 2010, Accepted 27 Jul 2011