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Earlier issues

Volume 45 Number 6 ( 2019)
Bacterial γ-glutamyltranspeptidase: Food and medicinal applications
Gut microbiome community in deer
Changes of detoxification enzymes of insect infected by fungus
Polyphenols composition and their activities in the star anise leaves
Finite-time stabilization of fractional-order neural networks
Volume 45 Number 5 ( 2019)
Recent advances in cannabinoid biochemistry and biotechnology
Glyphosate resistance in weeds from Hunan Province of China
Molecular docking of flavonoid conjugates towards breast cancer receptors
Sterilization by mercury-free UVC light source
A note on equivalence of some Rotfel'd type theorems
Volume 45 Number 4 ( 2019)
Genetic diversity of North African catfish in Thailand
Sugarcane genetic variation with differential sucrose accumulation
Petrochemical characterization of Tak volcanic rocks
Two inequalities of unitarily invariant norms for matrices
Volume 45 Number 3 ( 2019)
Hybrid Introgression: the outcomes of gene flow in birch
New antimalarial agents from chromone derivatives
Acid soil amendment by zeolite, sepiolite snd diatomite
Amyloid beta protein detection by dot-blot sandwich immunoassay
Fixed point theory of multivalued nonexpansive mappings
Volume 45 Number 2 ( 2019)
Antibacterial substances from Bacillus as dried seafood preservatives
Polylactic acid/epoxidized natural rubber biofoams
Predator-prey relationships of fishes in the Bay of Bengal
Concavity and convexity of maps involving positive operators
Volume 45 Number 1 ( 2019)
Bio-calcium from blood cockle and golden apple snail shells
Effects of different alkalis on the behavior of vanadium loss and efficiency of extraction
Environmental controls on net CO2 exchange over a young rubber plantation
An iterative method for impulse noise removal