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Volume 50 Number 3
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Volume 49 Number 6
Volume 49 Number 5
Volume 49S Number 1
Earlier issues

Volume 37 Number 4 ( 2011)
Properties of gelatin-cellulose acetate core-shell ultrafine fibres
Simultaneous fortification of iron and zinc in parboiled rice grains
An additional species of Adiantum (Pteridaceae) for Thailand
Regeneration of lily by callus from leaf explants in vitro
Venom protein of haematotoxic snakes of Thailand
Volume 37 Number 3 ( 2011)
FTIR analysis of bis(guanidoacetate) Ni(II) complex
Association of 17β-HSD8 polymorphisms with Kawasaki disease
Reduction of browning of longan exocarp using NaClO2
Densification of BNZ ceramic using liquid-phase sintering
Grey level of stalagmites as a paleoclimate proxy
Volume 37 Number 2 ( 2011)
Spicule network patterns of Phyllidia varicosa
Effects of charcoal on physical properties of clay bricks
Solution of Fréchet functional equations with restricted spans
SNaPshot typing of mtDNA to authenticate cattle and buffalo meat
Spray characteristics of non-esterified biodiesel fuel
Volume 37 Number 1 ( 2011)
Effect of organic selenium on shrimp growth and resistance to TSV
Budesonide suspensions for use in an HFA pressurized inhaler
Removal of Janus Green dye using carbonized agricultural waste
Detection of β-globin gene mutations in β-thalassaemic patients
Novel mucoadhesive biomaterial from Lallimantia royalena seed coat