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Information on Manuscript status and Time frame

Updated: July 24, 2024

Peer Review Process

ScienceAsia employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published research. All submitted manuscripts undergo the following steps:

Manuscript Screening
Upon submission, manuscripts are first screened by the editorial team to ensure they meet the journal's scope and formatting requirements. Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria are returned to the authors for revision. Also the manuscripts are screened for journal requirement for quality and novelty, those do not meet the standard are rejected.

Peer Review
Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are assigned to a handling editor, who selects 2-3 independent peer reviewers with relevant expertise. The reviewers are asked to provide a comprehensive assessment of the manuscript, including evaluation of the study design, methodology, data analysis, and interpretation of results. Reviewers also assess the manuscript's novelty, significance, and clarity of presentation.

Revision and Resubmission
Based on the peer reviewers' comments, authors are asked to revise their manuscript. Revised manuscripts are then re-evaluated by the original reviewers or new reviewers if necessary. This process continues until the manuscript is deemed acceptable for publication.

Final Editorial Decision
The handlingeditor, in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief, makes the final decision on the manuscript's suitability for publication in ScienceAsia. Decisions can include acceptance, minor revision, major revision, or rejection.

MS status

Manuscripts submitted to ScienceAsia can be classified according to their status at different stage as follows:

EDITOR REVIEW (MS is with editor), PROCESSING (Reviewers invitation), UNDER REVIEW (MS is being reviewed by reviewers), REVISION (MS is being revised by author/Revised MS is being checked by reviewers/editor), REJECTED (by editors' comment/by reviewers' comments), PrePRR (PRR = post-referee review; editor is satisfied with the MS and informs the author to prepare final version), PRR (editor approves final version), ACCEPTED (MS is accepted after page charge payment), GALLEY PROOF (proof is made by Publishing Unit and author), PUBLISHED (MS is published online as Accepted articles, then as hard copy for bimonthly regular issues).

Time frame

1. After submission, an auto reply informing MS number will be sent to all authors of the manuscript.
2. Notification will be sent to the corresponding author within 3 weeks after submission if the manuscript is not suitable for publication as reviewed by the Editors.
3. Once the Editor in charge of a particular manuscript assigns reviewers, usually within 4 weeks after submission, the username and password will be emailed to the corresponding author to follow the status of the manuscript.
4. The time from submission to Editor's decision (accepted, revised, or rejected) is about 2 to 6 months.
5. After finishing the galley proof, the accepted MS will be published online with doi number. Only the MS of the bimonthly regular issue will be published in the printed version in consecutive order.
6. The time from submission to online publication is about 3 to 8 months.

The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern

ScienceAsia is dedicated to maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the scientific record through a clear process for handling corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern. Errors identified by authors, readers, or editors are reviewed, and if necessary, corrections are published in the next issue and linked to the original article. Retractions are considered for issues like unreliable data, plagiarism, or unethical research, with a thorough investigation conducted before publishing a retraction notice. If concerns arise but are inconclusive, an editorial expression of concern is issued and linked to the original article. Throughout these processes, transparent communication with authors is maintained, and all changes are made available online to uphold the journal's standards.

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