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Volume 51 Number 1
Volume 50S Number 1
Volume 50 Number 6
Volume 50 Number 5
Volume 50 Number 4
Volume 50 Number 3
Earlier issues
Supplementary issue

Updated: April 1, 2019

ScienceAsia is an international journal published bimonthly by the Science Society of Thailand under Royal Patronage and the National Research Council of Thailand. The journal was established in 1975 as "Journal of the Science Society of Thailand, JSST" to serve the interests of the research-oriented and professional Thai researchers as well as to publish original research work done primarily in the country. The journal was renamed "ScienceAsia" in 1999 in order to broaden its coverage and attract contribution from international community. The National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) has joined the journal as co-owner since 2011.

ScienceAsia ScienceAsia publishes original research articles and full or mini review articles in science and mathematics. Research articles must include scientifically useful data or observations, and/or provide a new scientific concept or a new explanation of published results. In addition, articles of a more applied nature or articles whose contents are in current scientific interest may also be submitted for consideration if there is sufficient scientific merit. Please contact the Editor at editor@scienceasia.org if there is any question. Currently, the journal is available as hard copy by subscription (see Subscription), and online at http://www.scienceasia.org

ScienceAsia is indexed in various international databases, such as Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded, Scopus, and CAPlus. The journal fulfills the criteria established by Thailand funding agencies, for an international journal published in Thailand. Throughout the years, ScienceAsia was supported by the Thailand Research Fund, the Knowledge Network Institute of Thailand, the Office of the Higher Education Commission, NRCT, and the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under Royal Patronage. At present, it has been partially funded by NRCT since 2011. The journal is currently widely accepted by international research community with increasing numbers of submitted manuscripts from overseas.

See the Instructions for Authors for the preparation of manuscript to be submitted to ScienceAsia.

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