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Volume 50 Number 2
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Volume 49 Number 3

Research articles

ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024008 1-6 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.008

Theory of ∆ conditional randomized truth degree in Gödel n-valued propositional logic system of adding ∆ operator

Bo Wanga,*, Xiao-Jing Huib

ABSTRACT:     In this paper, ∆ conditional randomized truth degree of propositional formula is put forward in G?del n-valued propositional logic system. It adds ∆ operator compared with conditional randomized truth degree. On this basis, some inference rules such as MP, HS, intersection inference, union inference and their related properties are studied. At last, the concepts of ∆ conditional randomized similarity degree, ∆ conditional randomized pseudo-metric between propositional formulas are given, and their related good properties are discussed.

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a College of Mathematics, Si?chuan University, Chen?du 610000 China
b College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yan?an University, Yan?an 716000 China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: 1536011862@qq.com

Received 21 Nov 2022, Accepted 18 Aug 2023