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Volume 49 Number 3

Research articles

ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024060 1-7 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.060

Cytogenetic analysis of progeny from interspecific hybridization between Jatropha curcas and Jatropha integerrima using the GISH method

Matiya Changjalerna, Nobuko Omidob, Penjit Srinophakunc,d, Vipa Hongtrakula,d,*

ABSTRACT:     Vigorous interspecific hybrids have been obtained from cross-pollination between two tropical species of Jatropha, J. curcas and J. integerrima, in a project improving J. curcas for use as a biodiesel source. The F1 hybrids have been confirmed using co-dominant DNA markers and some can be successfully backcrossed to J. curcas. These interspecific hybrids show segregation of leaf, seed, and flower characters compared to their parents. Although codominant DNA markers can be used to effectively verify the F1 interspecific hybrids, it is difficult to confirm the hybridity of the backcross hybrids using DNA markers after many backcross generations. Therefore, this study used the genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) method, using genomic DNA probes from J. curcas and J. integerrima, to analyze the chromosome composition of the interspecific Jatropha hybrids from various generations. Seven samples, including one sample of F1 , one sample of open pollination of F1 (OPF1 ), two samples of BC1 , two samples of BC2 , and one sample of open pollination of BC1 (OPBC1 ), were selected based on the presence of high seed yield or disease resistance. The GISH chromosome composition results indicated that the proportions of chromosomes of J. curcas: J. integerrima : crossover event assessed in meristematic tissues at the root tip of seeds from F1#36, OPF1#36, BC1#201, BC1#202, BC2#524, BC2#525, and OPBC1#VH1 were 13:9:1, 20:2:1-2, 17-5:2, 21:1:1-2, 22:0:4, 22:0:3, and 22:0:2, respectively. The GISH method proved a valuable tool for genomic analysis as well as monitoring chromatin transfer and introgression in the interspecific hybrids, enhancing the Jatropha breeding program considerably.

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a Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
b Graduate School of Human Development and Environment/ Department of Human Environmental Science, Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
c Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
d Center of Excellence for Jatropha, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand

* Corresponding author, E-mail: fscivph@ku.ac.th

Received 20 Dec 2023, Accepted 12 Apr 2024