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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 212-220 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...212

Life history and adult dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis in the citrus orchard of Nanchang, a subtropical area from China: implications for a control timeline

Xiaozhen Lia,?, Haiyan Yangb, Tao Wanga, Jianguo Wanga, Hongyi Weia

ABSTRACT:     Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) has invaded Jiangxi, a subtropical area of China and poses a serious threat to its host crops, especially citrus fruits. Thus far, the ecological characteristics of B. dorsalis in this area remain unclear, which has restricted prevention and control efforts. A study was carried out in citrus orchards in Nanchang, a region of north Jiangxi, between 2008 and 2014 to clarify the life history and adult dynamics of B. dorsalis, and then a management plan for B. dorsalis were recommended. The results showed that B. dorsalis exhibits mixed voltinism, between 4 and 5 generations per year, and overwinters at the fourth and fifth generation pupae stage. Adult stages are active from early May to mid-January of the following year with a distinct peak density between October and November. To control this pest, we suggested that trapping adults using methyl eugenol (ME) and hydrolyzed protein (HP) as lures and removing damaged citrus fruits should be carried out from early May to early December and from late August to mid-December, respectively. Turning soil to eliminate overwintering pupae should begin in late December and end in late February of the following year, and fruit bagging should be performed from mid-August to late October. Releasing parasitic wasps or chemical pesticides would be most effective from mid-August to early September. These results will be useful for citrus farmers and orchard managers as they provide a clear control timetable for applying various control measures, which can help prevent or limit the occurrence of B. dorsalis and its damage to citrus orchards.

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a College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045 China
b Industrial Development Office, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045 China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: lxziiz@163.com

Received 20 Jun 2018, Accepted 20 Jun 2019