Research articles
ScienceAsia (): 303-310 |doi:
The ameliorative effect of black soybean and purple sweet potato to improve sperm quality through suppressing reactive oxygen species (ROS) in type 2 diabetes mellitus rat (Rattus novergicus)
Abdul Gofura,*, Agung Witjoroa, Erni Widya Ningtiyasa, Evi Setyowatia,
Siti Aminatul Mukharromaha, Suhartinia, Mochammad Fitri Atho\\\'illahb, Sri Rahayu Lestaria
ABSTRACT: Overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) will promote oxidative damage and can induce
reproductive disorder. A therapeutic strategy to reduce effects of reproductive disorder is by maintaining the balance
between ROS and antioxidants. Black soybean (BSB) contain phenolic compounds and has a greater antioxidant
capacity than yellow soybean. Purple sweet potato (PSP) also has antioxidant capacity, due to the presence of
anthocyanin, but is low in protein. The combination of BSB and PSP is expected to limit symptoms of reproductive
disorder through decreasing ROS levels, enhancing testosterone production, and improve sperm quality. The results
of this study indicate that the combination of PSP and BSB could restore blood glucose levels, improve seminiferous
tubules diameter, decrease ROS production, and improve testosterone and sperm quality. A ratio of BSB to PSP of 2:2
and 3:1 were effective to improve symptoms of reproductive disorder in the type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) rat model.
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Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia 65145 |
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Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia 65145 |
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Received 10 May 2018, Accepted 7 Nov 2018