Research articles
ScienceAsia 49 (2023):ID 813-818 |doi:
Survival improvement of Enterococcus faecalis HZNU S1 by
encapsulating in flaxseed milk-alginate microbeads
Bi-Lin Suna,?, Xuan-Ya Huanga,?, Hang-Jie Chena, Zhen-Xing Tangb,*, Hai Zhoua, Zhong-Bao Jianga, Shan-Shan Fanga, Lu-E Shia,*
ABSTRACT: The viability and high survival rate of probiotics through human gastrointestinal tract are very important
to the host health. The present research was investigated to explicate the influence of encapsulation and wall materials
on the survival of Enterococcus faecalis HZNU S1. Purposely, the microbeads were prepared using sodium alginate (SA)
and flaxseed milk (FM) by extrusion method. The viability of investigated probiotics was accessed in simulated gastric
juice (SGJ). Free cells exhibited a poor survival rate in SGJ. However, encapsulation improved the probiotic viability
in the same circumstance. Encapsulated probiotics exhibited higher viability when they were exposed to pH 2.5 SGJ
and 1.0 and 2.0% bile salt solutions. Furthermore, encapsulation could improve the storage stability of probiotics. The
viable number of encapsulated cells was 10.01 Log CFU/g at 0 day and decreased to 9.6 Log CFU/g (4 ?C) and 9.2 Log
CFU/g (25 ?C) after 8 days. Full encapsulated cells could be liberated after the microbeads were exposed to simulated
intestine juice (SIJ) within 120 min. This study indicates that FM-SA microbeads can be suggested as good agents for
encapsulating probiotics.
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a |
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Zhejiang 310016 China |
b |
School of Culinary Art, Tourism College of Zhejiang, Zhejiang 311231 China |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:,
Received 24 Mar 2023, Accepted 2 Sep 2023