Research articles
ScienceAsia 49 (2023):ID 491-496 |doi:
Improving yield components and overall yield in M2-M4 phenotypic mutants, induced by EMS, of upland red rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Dawk Kha 50
Watcharin Soonsuwona,*, Nucharee Chadakana,b, Ali Awaisa,c, Charassri Nualsria
ABSTRACT: Mutation breeding has been used to enhance qualitative and quantitative traits of rice. The objective
of this study was to improve yield or yield component in mutated population of upland red rice induced by ethyl
methanesulfonate (EMS). Two thousand and five hundred seeds of upland red rice cultivar Dawk Kha 50 were exposed
to EMS at 1.23% based on root length of LD50, to make M1
; M2
generation was segregated for selection of desirable
agronomic traits. From selected M2
plants, seven M3
lines and five M4
lines of induced upland red rice were evaluated
for yield and other traits. The mutant traits selected were successfully observed on many traits, such as number of filled
grains/panicle, size of paddy, brown color of the rice. Grain yield of mutant lines was higher than that of the wild type.
Phenotypic evaluation of the five M4
lines, comparing to the wild type cultivar Dawk Kha 50, showed a higher number
of filled grains/panicle, size of paddy and brown color of the rice in M4
43-1-1-1 and M4
43-2-1-3. The tenderness of
cooked mutant rice was better than the wild type. It, hence, could be concluded that EMS improved agronomic traits of
red rice. Moreover, the best mutant lines would be further used in developing commercial varieties or future breeding
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a |
Agricultural Innovation and Management Division, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University,
Songkhla 90110 Thailand |
b |
Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Nakorn Sri
Thammarat Campus, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80240 Thailand
c |
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Universi? Degli Studi Di Milano, Milano 20133 Italy |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 31 May 2022, Accepted 2 Apr 2023