Research articles
ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 514-519 |doi:
A spectral conjugate gradient method for convex
constrained monotone equations
Shi Lei
ABSTRACT: Based on the projection technique, in this paper we establish a spectral conjugate gradient method to solve
nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints. A nice property is that its search direction always satisfies
the sufficient descent condition in each iteration, which is independent of any line search. Because there is not any
derivative information, the proposed method is very suitable to solve large-scale nonsmooth monotone equations.
By using a derivative-free line search, the global convergence is proved under the Lipschitz continuity. Preliminary
numerical experiments show that the proposed method is effective and promising.
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General Education and International College, Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering, Chongqing
5401331 China |
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Received 9 Jan 2021, Accepted 5 May 2021