Research articles
ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 657-664 |doi:
The intersection power graph associated with a finite
Wei Lv, Xuanlong Ma*
ABSTRACT: We characterize the independence number of the intersection power graph of a group, which extends
some results in Aprose et al [Punjab Univ J Math 52 (2020):47–53]. Moreover, the finite groups with dominatable
intersection power graphs are characterized, which generalizes some results in Bera [Electron J Graph Theory Appl
6 (2018):178–189]. Furthermore, we characterize the finite groups whose intersection power graphs equal to their
power graphs, enhanced power graphs, commuting graphs, and order supergraphs.
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School of Science, Xi?an Shiyou University, Xi?an 710065 China |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 30 Sep 2020, Accepted 8 Aug 2021