Research articles
ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 629-639 |doi:
Efficiency and mechanism of dust removal with
charged water mist in vibration fiber grid
Chen Zu-yuna,b,*, Peng Ji-chenga,b, Rao Zhen-biaoa,b
ABSTRACT: With the salience of air pollution problems such as PM2.5, the removal of micro particle dust has
increasingly become a widespread issue to address. In this study, we put forward the technology of charged water
mist in vibrating fiber grid. Five types of effect of catching dust, such as gravitational settlement, inertial collision,
interception, diffusion, and electrostatic attraction in a single fiber, were theoretically analyzed. The mechanism of
vibration fiber grid, whose resonant film-forming effect was analyzed on spray charging water, was also studied. The
infinitesimal analysis method was used for calculating the efficiency of catching dust in the vibrating fiber grid. The fiber
grating arrangement was determined by performing lots of experiments of dust collection efficiency and resistance loss
in longitude of fiber grating, latitude, and interlacing fiber grating. The obtained results showed that not only the dust
removal in longitude of fiber grating, which was easy to use, was stable and efficient, but also the resistance loss was
relatively low and the natural dust drop did not need frequent ash removal. Therefore, the charged spray in longitude
of vibration fiber grating has certain application value in dust removal technology. The theoretical and experimental
results also show that the technology of dust removal by charged spray in vibration fiber grid has a high purification
efficiency for micro particles and simple structure and thus would have certain valuable application in dust removal
technology in future.
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a |
School of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,
Ganzhou 341000 China |
b |
Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Mining & Metallurgy Environmental Pollution Control, Ganzhou 341000
China |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 19 Sep 2020, Accepted 13 Jul 2021