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Research articles

ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 410-417 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2021.052

The protective effects of glycyrrhizic acid on heavy metal ions-induced reproductive toxicity in Chinese hamster ovary cells

Liang Gaoa, Pai Liub, Tianqi Dua, Jian Yinb,c,*, Hong Lia,*

ABSTRACT:     In this work, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were used to examine the protective effects of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) on the reproductive toxicity of heavy metal ions, including Cd2+ and Cu2+. As a result, both metal ions induced significant toxicity in CHO cells after 48-h treatment, as revealed by a severe decrease in cell viability. GA and glutathione (GSH) largely reduced the toxicity caused by Cd2+ and Cu2+, which could be due to their recovery of GSH levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in CHO cells. In addition, GA and GSH significantly up-regulated the gene expressions of glutathione S-transferase (gst), sod, and heme oxygenase (ho)-1, which could be another explanation for their protective effects. More importantly, GA exhibited comparable protective effects as GSH but at much lower concentrations (50?100 ?M v.s. 500?1000 ?M). Therefore, GA could be effective for the alleviation of reproductive toxicity of Cd2+/Cu2+, which needs further investigation in animal models.

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a Center of Reproduction and Genetics, Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou Municipal Hospital, Suzhou 215002 China
b CAS Key Laboratory of Biomedical Diagnostics, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Suzhou 215163 China
c Jinan Guo Ke Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd, Jinan 250100 China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: yinj@sibet.ac.cn, hongliszivf@163.com

Received 10 Aug 2020, Accepted 26 Apr 2021