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Research articles

ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 303-311 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2021.037

Preliminary responses of some Thai rice cultivars to simulated acid rain stress during seed germination

Jakkrit Sreesaenga,b,c, Panuphong Kongchiua,c, Sutkhet Nakasathiena,c,*

ABSTRACT:     Germination response of nine Thai rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars was investigated under simulated acid rain at pH values of 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 and a control at pH 6.5 using a split-plot in completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications as main plots and subplots. Germination percentage, seedling characteristics and inhibitory responses were evaluated. Results showed that rice seed germination decreased after exposure to simulated acid rain of pH 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 compared to the control. Acid rain significantly decreased seedling root length, root-to-shoot ratio and crown roots per seedling while pH 2.5 completely inhibited all the investigated seedling characteristics. Average values of germination percentage reduction were highly significant in KDML105 and RD27 cultivars while acid rain stimulated rice seed germination in HPYTD, RD57, MLL and TTCP, suggesting that these cultivars are tolerant to acid rain stress during seed germination.

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a Center for Advanced Studies for Agriculture and Food (CASAF), Kasetsart University Institute for Advanced Studies, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
b Lamtakong Research Station, Expert Centre of Innovative Agriculture, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), Pathum Thani 12120 Thailand
c Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand

* Corresponding author, E-mail: agrskn@ku.ac.th

Received 16 Mar 2020, Accepted 28 Feb 2021