Research articles
ScienceAsia (): 572-580 |doi:
Geographical distribution and virulence phenotypes of
Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici from wheat in Yunnan,
Mohamed A. Gada,b, Haoxing Lic, Md. Ashraful Alama,d, Muhammad Sajjade,*, Mingju Lia,*
ABSTRACT: Wheat stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis is a widespread and destructive disease of wheat, causing
significant losses in yield and quality. Survey of wheat stripe rust samples and identification of physiological races
using Yr single-gene differential lines are very important in describing virulence pattern variation and geographical
distribution of rust pathotypes. In the present study, a total of 86 races characterized from 125 stripe rust isolates
were collected from Yunnan and Sichuan provinces of China during the 2017/2018 wheat growing season. The races
v1 and v2 were widely distributed with virulence frequency of 8.8 and 8%, respectively. The remaining races have a
lower frequency ¶ 3%. The 86 races clustered into two major virulence clusters: cluster-I comprised two races v29
and v30 and had relatively narrow virulence spectra, while cluster-II involved other 84 races and had broad virulence
spectra. High virulence frequencies of Pst population (>73%) were detected for Yr1, Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr8, Yr9, Yr11,
Yr(17,29), Yr17, Yr18, Yr25, Yr26, Yr30, Yr32, YrA, YrSK, YrSP, YrSu, Yr(8,19), Yr(7,25), and Yr(10,Mor) genes.
Moderate virulence frequencies of Pst population (16–73%) were observed for Yr3, Yr27, Yr(2,HVII), and Yr(7,22,23)
genes. No isolate was detected to be virulent to Yr5 and Yr10 genes. The four genes Yr5, Yr10, Yr15, and Yr24 were
regarded as effective genes. Therefore, monitoring distribution and frequency changes of virulence toward the Yr
genes is important for cultivar selection with adequate resistance for growing in specific geographic regions and for
developing new cultivars with durable and a high-level resistance.
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a |
Institute of Agricultural Environment and Resources, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Kunming 650205 China |
b |
School of Mathematical Science, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 251125 China |
c |
Wheat Diseases Research Department, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center,
Giza 12619 Egyp |
d |
College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 China |
e |
Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute, Dinajpur 5200 Bangladesh |
f |
Department of Biosciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad 45550 Pakistan |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 27 May 2019, Accepted 11 Nov 2019