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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 436-445 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...436

Physiological and molecular studies on ISSR in two wheat cultivars after exposing to gamma radiation

Amina A. Aly*, Noha E. Eliwa, Rabab W. Maraei

ABSTRACT:     Grains of two bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum), Sids-1 and Sakha-93, were irradiated with gamma rays at dose levels (0.0, 100, 200, and 300 Gy) to study the effects of gamma irradiation on physiological characteristics and genetic variation of wheat. Irradiation dose level of 200 Gy increased chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll contents significantly in both cultivars. Also, proline content increased with increasing irradiation dose level, the highest concentrations were recorded at 300 Gy for Sids-1 and Sakha-93 cultivars as compared to the control. InterSimple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers have been done to help understanding their genetic differences. Eight ISSR primers (14A, 44B, HB-08, HB-10, HB-11, HB-12, HB-13, and HB-15) exhibited polymorphism with the un-irradiated and irradiated two wheat cultivars. These pimers successfully showed different banding patterns with several amplicons varied from 4 for (14A) to 15 for (HB-10). These 72 amplicons for the two cultivars and an average of 9.0 amplicons with mean of 67.96% polymorphism and resolving power (Rp) of 3.41. It is also cleared that radiation is more effective on Sids-1 cultivar with 55.5% polymorphism than on Sakha-93 cultivar with 51.9% polymorphism. Total amplicons found in Sids-1cultivar were 64, ten of them were unique amplicons (UA): 5 UA(+) and 5 UA(−). Irradiation dose (200 Gy) showed the highest number of UA (3 UA− and 3 UA+) in Sids-1cultivar. While, total amplicons found in Sakha-93 cultivar were 58, eight of them were 5 UA(+) and 3 UA(−). Irradiation dose (300 Gy) showed the highest number of UA as 4 UA+. It could be concluded that gamma irradiation of wheat grains produced an appropriate number of generated variations and that ISSR analysis given a useful molecular marker for the symmetry of the mutants.

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a Natural Products Department, National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology, Atomic Energy Authority, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

* Corresponding author, E-mail: aly_amina@yahoo.co.uk

Received 17 Feb 2019, Accepted 8 Aug 2019