Research articles
ScienceAsia (): 69-78 |doi:
Solving a class of Robin problems in simply connected regions via integral equations with a generalized Neumann kernel
Shwan H.H. Al-Shatria, Ali H.M. Muridb,c,*, Munira Ismailb
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new boundary integral equation method for the solution of a class of Robin problems in bounded and unbounded simply connected regions. We show how to reformulate the Robin problems as Riemann-Hilbert problems which lead to systems of integral equations, related differential equations, and normalizing conditions that give rise to unique solutions. Numerical results on several test regions are presented to illustrate the solution technique for the Robin problems when the boundaries are sufficiently smooth.
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a |
Department of Physics, College of Education, Charmo University, 46023 Chamchamal, Sulaimani, Kurdistan, Iraq |
b |
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia |
c |
UTM Centre for industrial and Applied Mathematics, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia |
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Received 22 Aug 2017, Accepted 21 May 2017