Research articles
ScienceAsia (): 102-108 |doi:
Effect of bromide concentration on the induction period of the cerium-catalysed Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillating reaction
KwanjiraÿPanpladoa, PremkamonÿIntasria, AtcharaÿSirimungkalaa, TitikanÿSomboonb,*
ABSTRACT: Temporal oscillations of the cerium(IV)-catalysed Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction under addition of various Br- concentrations are investigated. The relationship between the induction period and Br- concentration, which is a controlling species in the BZ oscillating reaction, is reported. The oscillations of the Ce(IV) catalyst are followed by using UV-Vis spectrophotometric methods under closed batch and oxygen free systems. Experimental observations demonstrate that increasing Br- concentration decreases the induction period exponentially, whereas it increases the oscillation period linearly. The results reveal that the oscillations without induction period are observed by the addition of 1.0×10−2ÿM Br- concentration. Addition of Br- into the BZ solution mainly involves the process A of the FKN mechanism. Numerical results reveal that the addition of Br- increases the production of BrMA, but decreases the induction period.
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DepartmentÿofÿChemistry, FacultyÿofÿScience, KhonÿKaenÿUniversity, NaiÿMuang, MuangÿDistrict, KhonÿKaenÿ40002ÿThailand |
b |
DepartmentÿofÿChemistry, FacultyÿofÿEngineering, RajamangalaÿUniversityÿofÿTechnologyÿIsan, KhonkaenÿCampus, 150ÿSrijanÿRoad, NaiÿMuang, MuangÿDistrict, KhonÿKaenÿ40000ÿThailand |
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Received 23 Aug 2017, Accepted 25 Dec 2017