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ScienceAsia (): 20-26 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...020

Sharp edge preservation using bicubic B-spline surfaces

Khang Jie Liew*, Ahmad Ramli, Nur Nadiah Abd Hamid, Ahmad Abd Majid

ABSTRACT:     This paper investigates the sharp edge preservation of B-spline surfaces. A K-nearest neighbour search incorporating an averaging method is proposed to detect a sharp edge from a set of data points. In this study, the unknown B-spline control points are determined, followed by the fitting of the sample of data points using a bicubic B-spline surface. The sample of data points within the sharp edge area are initially marked by the bootstrap method. Next, a particular set of control points is repeated, while the set of data points is projected onto the constructed bicubic B-spline surface for the purpose of preserving the sharp edge. The present study is also determines the effect of noise with different noise levels in preserving the sharp edge. The experimental results demonstrate that the sharp edge in sample data points is well-preserved using the proposed method which is slightly influenced by the presence of noise.

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang

* Corresponding author, E-mail: kenji_liewkj@yahoo.com.my

Received 22 Aug 2014, Accepted 21 May 2017