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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 109-117 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...109

Palaeo-redox environment analysis of Longmaxi formation shale in southern Sichuan basin by XRF and ICP-MS

Zhu˙Yiqinga,*, Wang˙Xingzhia, Feng˙Mingyoua, Pu˙Kunb, Cai˙Jiachengc

ABSTRACT:     To build the palaeo-redox environment model of the Longmaxi Formation shale during the Silurian Rhuddanian stage in Southern Sichuan Basin, China, 20 core samples taken from wells W201 and N1 were determined by carbon-sulphur analyser, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry, and inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to test for the major and trace elements. Major elements test results shows that fragile mineral SiO2 component and degree of total pyritization in section A is greater than that of section B, demonstrating that the reducing property of palaeo-ocean during the section A depositional stage was more intense than that of section B. U-Th ratios indicate that the palaeo-ocean during the section A depositional stage was in a dysoxic environment, and the section B depositional stage was in an oxic to dysoxic environment.

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a State˙Key˙Laboratory˙of˙Oil˙&˙Gas˙Reservoir˙Geology˙and˙Exploitation, Southwest˙Petroleum˙University, Chengdu, 610500, Sichuan, China
b Engineering˙Technology˙Research˙Institute, PetroChina˙Southwest˙Oil&GasField˙Company, Chengdou, 610017, Sichuan, China
c CCDC˙Drilling˙and˙Production˙Engineering˙Technology˙Research˙Institute, 618300, Guanghan, Sichuan, China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: gk_420@163.com

Received 13 Jul 2017, Accepted 20 Mar 2018