Short reports
ScienceAsia (): 435-439 |doi:
Molecular characterization of kappa-casein gene in buffaloes
Darshan Raj Gangaraja,*, Swathi Shettyb, M.G. Govindaiaha, C.S. Nagarajaa, S.M. Byregowdac, M.R. Jayashankara
ABSTRACT: The genetic variations in κ-casein gene locus exon IV of three buffalo breeds, i.e. South Kanara, Surti, and Murrah, were investigated. PCR amplification of the κ-casein gene using primers specific for Bos taurus yielded DNA products of a similar size. Upon restriction digestion with Hinf I, two fragments having 266 bp and 84 bp were obtained for all the samples studied. Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and nucleotide sequence analysis also did not reveal genetic variation. BLAST alignment of 350 bp nucleotides of buffalo κ-casein gene showed homogeneity with the κ-casein gene of Syncerus caffer nanus. Analysis of the κ-casein gene using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and SSCP techniques including DNA sequencing data revealed a monomorphic pattern which is buffalo specific.
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Department of Animal Breeding Genetics and Biostatistics, Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore-24, India |
b |
Centre for Human Genetics, Tech Mall, ITPL, Whitefield Road, Bangalore-66, Karnataka, India |
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IAH & VB, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore-24, India |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 30 Jan 2008, Accepted 21 Jul 2008