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Volume 50 Number 2
Volume 50 Number 1
Volume 49 Number 6
Volume 49 Number 5
Volume 49S Number 1
Volume 49 Number 4
Earlier issues

Volume 47 Number 6 ( 2021)
The Hippo signaling pathway, a potential target for cancer therapy
Sequence-characterized amplified region as marker for traditional Chinese medicine
Damaging effect of pyriproxyfen on silkworm midgut
Enhancement of cephalexin antibacterial activity by lemongrass essential oil
Analysis of the barycentric interpolation collocation scheme for the Burgers equation
Volume 47 Number 5 ( 2021)
Catalyst and multifunctional reactor for sustainable biodiesel production
miR-122 expression in liver of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Enhancement of buckwheat yield by suitable nitrogen fertilizer
Mechanism of dust removal with charged water mist in vibration fiber grid
Petrology and geochemistry of granitic rocks in Dan Chang area, Central Thailand
Normality of meromorphic functions and their differential polynomials
Volume 47 Number 4 ( 2021)
Mitigation of heavy metal ions-induced toxicity by glycyrrhizic acid
Influence of Zn2+ binding motif sequence of transthyretin on its proteolytic activity
Enhancement of seed quality and bioactive compound accumulation in sunflower sprouts
Biosecurity and fungal contaminants in the poultry farms in Thailand
Meromorphic solutions of complex functional equations
Volume 47S Number 1 ( 2021)
Volume 47 Number 3 ( 2021)
Bioactive pigments from marine bacteria
Mitochondrial genome of the silken insect Philosamia cynthia
Protective effect of acteoside on diabetic kidney disease
Localized surface plasmon resonance for improved optical absorption in nanoparticles
Bio-organic fertilizer on soil fertility, microbial community and potato growth
Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators
Volume 47 Number 2 ( 2021)
Salinity: Translating information from model microbes into crop plants
Fungal virulence in peanuts with different drought responsive genotypes
Glucose uptake inhibition in renal cells by modified cycloartanes
Repair of damaged hair by combined treatment with transglutaminase and keratin
Ecologic analysis of COVID-19 incidence and outcome
Diffusion model of 18F-FDOPA for diagnosis of Parkinson's disease
Volume 47 Number 1 ( 2021)
Chitosan nanoparticles: Preparation, food applications and health benefits
Polyploid induction in colchicine-treated explant segments of Bacopa monnieri
Green synthesis of octanoate derivatives as potential biolubricants from used frying oil
Vegetation structure in Himalayan Highland of Gasa, Bhutan
On the divisibility Fk|Fx2 + Fx + 1