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Volume 50 Number 4
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Volume 49 Number 5
Earlier issues

Volume 38 Number 4 ( 2012)
A new species of Ranunculus from Iran
Organic fertilizer use on paddy fields to reduce greenhouse gases
Effect of ceftriaxone on learning and memory of hypoperfused rats
Neural network model of magneto-rheological dampers
Joint diagonalizers of shear matrices
Volume 38 Number 3 ( 2012)
Germination and development of cryopreserved Vanda tricolor seeds
Mapping the Bod2 gene associated with boron efficiency in wheat
Voluntary exercise induces neuroprotection in stressed subjects
Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio on the synthesis of Na-x zeolite
Antibacterial activity of pomegranate fruit peels and arils
Volume 38 Number 2 ( 2012)
Thermo- and organic solvent-tolerant xylanase from Aspergillus
Mirtazapine prevents methotrexate induced nephrotoxicity in rats
Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by newly isolated fungi
Low-angle structure factors of βNiAl by powder X-ray diffraction
Noise reduction based on Stein's unbiased risk estimate
Volume 38 Number 1 ( 2012)
Asplenium cardiophyllum in Thailand
GABA content in germinated brown rice
Novel phenanthrene-degrading bacteria isolated from seawater
KCl/CaO catalysing methanolysis of soybean oil for biodiesel
Synthesis of perovskite-type LaCoO3 catalyst