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Volume 50 Number 6
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Research Articles

ScienceAsia 33 (2007): 175-185 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2007.33.175

Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier Columns Subjected to Moderate Seismic Load

Sumnieng Ongsupankula*, Torkul Kanchanalaib and Kazuhiko Kawashimac

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of the test of six reinforced concrete bridge column specimens and of six analytical specimens subjected to constant axial load and cyclic lateral load. The objective of the investigation is to report the strength and ultimate displacement of the square columns having different amount and arrangement of tie bars. Fiber element inelastic analyses were conducted to verify the test results and were in reasonable agreement with the experimental study results. It was found that the criterion of limiting lateral strain in the concrete core gave satisfactory estimate of the maximum column deflection. Further analytical study of six columns with different tie reinforcement ratio and subjected to varying cyclic loads was performed. Based on the experimental and analytical studies of reinforced concrete columns subjected to the axial loads ranging between 0.05f’cAg and 0.12f’cAg, tie reinforcement ratio, ρ s = 0.50% which corresponds to approximately 60% of the minimum amount required by the AASHTO seismic provision exhibits moderate ductility ratio being 4.3 and 7.3 for axial loads of 0.12f’cAg and 0.05f’cAg respectively.

KEYWORDS: Bridge pier, Seismic design, Reinforced concrete column, Ductility, Strength.

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a Department of Civil Engineering, South-East Asia University, Bangkok, Thailand.
b Department of Civil Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
c Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

* Corresponding author, E-mail: sumnieng@sau.ac.th

Received 25 Jan 2006, Accepted 27 Sep 2006