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ScienceAsia 33 Supplement 1 (2007): 009-015 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2007.33(s1).009

Funding Policy and Strategies for Basic Research by Academic Division of The Thailand Research Fund

Vichai Boonsaenga,b* and Prasert Sobhona,c**

ABSTRACT: The Academic Division of The Thailand Research Fund (TRF), is responsible for providing funds to support basic research in science and technology, and social science and humanities. Three categories of research are currently being supported: (1) Investigator-initiated research is the research proposed by an investigator, which may be on any topics, but must be novel in idea and approach. Emphasis is on the creation of knowledge, which results in publications in reputable national and international journals, or peerreviewed books. The support also aims to create career paths for professional researchers and is hence divided into three levels of grants: for young researchers, mid-career researchers, and senior researchers. The recipient of the last level is also named the TRF Senior Research Scholar, which is considered to be highly prestigious. (2) Strategic basic research, which is initiated and defined by TRF, covers areas that are deemed necessary for national development needs and for solving immediate problems. The research is target-based, and includes thematic programs on Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Sustainable Agriculture, Production of Aquatic Animals, Production of Land Animals, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The outputs are both publications, and patents or utilization for public benefits. (3) Translational research is the research initiated and defined by industry as the end user, in partnership with the researcher. It aims to utilize knowledge and research findings that are generated from the first two categories of basic research for industrial and commercial purposes. Output could be in the forms of patent, development of products or processes, especially those that will help in empowering and creating competitiveness for the small and medium enterprises.

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a Academic Division,The Thailand Research Fund, 14th Floor, SM Tower, 979/17-21 Phaholyothin Road, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400,Thailand.
b Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
c Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.

*, ** Corresponding authors, E-mails: vichai@trf.or.th* and scpso@mahidol.ac.th**