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Volume 50 Number 6
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ScienceAsia 32 Supplement 1 (2006): 107-111 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2006.32(s1).107

Gamma Irradiation: Impact on Chromate Resistant Cyanobacteria

Saiqa Razi and Shahida Hasnain*

ABSTRACT: The effect of gamma rays on the growth parameters of two locally isolated chromium resistant unicellular cyanobacteria, having an affinity to the genus Synechocystis sp. [AHZ-HB-MK (DQ381960) and AHZ-HB-P2A (DQ398589)] were investigated. Both strains were irradiated at different stages of growth i.e. after 5, 15 and 30 days of culturing. Irradiation doses range from 0-20 Grays as generated by a gamma irradiator (Co60). Chromium reduction potential was increased in AHZ-HB-MK (DQ381960) 5 and 15 days old culture after exposure to different doses of gamma rays, whereas no enhancement in reduction potential was observed in the case of AHZ-HB-P2A (DQ398589). There was a significant increase in chlorophyll content in 5 day old cultures of both strains at doses of 1 to 10 Grays. Carotenoid content increased significantly only in AHZ-HB-MK (DQ381960) sp. at all growth stages.

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Department of microbiology and molecular genetics, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam campus, 54590, Lahore, Pakistan.

* Corresponding author, E-mail: genetic@brain.net.pk