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Volume 50 Number 6
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Volume 50 Number 1
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Research Article

ScienceAsia 30 (2004): 399-410 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2004.30.399

Adsorption of Palladium on MgO/Al2O3 and CuO/Al2O3

Supaporn Therdthianwong* Ampon Tongsima and Apichai Therdthianwong

ABSTRACT: An adsorption model explaining and predicting the adsorption phenomena of palladium complex ions over MgO/Al2O3 and CuO/Al2O3 was developed based on the triple layer theory. Wet impregnation or adsorption experiments were conducted to determine the solution variables and some parameters used in the model and to verify the adsorption model. Adsorption of palladium complex ions on pure oxides (Al2O3, MgO and CuO) and composite oxides (3% and 15% of MgO and CuO on Al2O3) was investigated at different solution pH. From the experiments, Pd adsorption capability of pure and composite oxides was influenced by solution pH, type of promoter on the support and concentration of promoter. Overall the results predicted from the triple layer model agreed reasonably well with the experimental data, except in the pH range near the point of zero charge of oxide. The suggested pH value for preparing Pd/MgO/Al2O3 and Pd/ CuO/Al2O3 composite oxides is the pH close to the initial pH of the palladium precursor solution.

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Chemical Engineering Practice School, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology. Thonburi, 91 Pracha Utis Rd., Bangmod, Tungkru, Bangkok 10140 Thailand.

* Corresponding author: E-mail: supaporn.the@kmutt.ac.th

Received 25 Mar 2004, Accepted 11 Aug 2004