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Volume 50 Number 5
Volume 50 Number 4
Volume 50 Number 3
Volume 50 Number 2
Volume 50 Number 1
Volume 49 Number 6
Earlier issues

Volume 29 Number 4 (December 2003)
Glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells
Eyestalk extract and vitellogenin levels
Effect of salinity on phenotypic expression in rice
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of triazoles and thiadiazoles
Heat and mass transfer during deep-fat frying
Volume 29 Number 3 (September 2003)
Nucleotide sequence of a Thai PRSV-P
Eggshell structure of Chitra chitra
Ion beam bombardment of exogenous molecule
Salinity effects on antioxidant enzyme
Compressible q-Zeta turbulence model
Volume 29 Number 2 (June 2003)
Bleaching of methylene blue by hydrated titanium dioxide
Electronic-structure for semiconductor quantum dot
Ion-pair complexometric determination of CPH
Convergence analysis of adaptive tabu search
Mathematical athematical model for pressure controlled ventilation
Volume 29 Number 1 (March 2003)
Strawberry isozymes, RAPD, breeding, identification
New record of freshwater red algae in Thailand
Tc suppression of Pr-Ca-doped RE123
Boron-doped barium ferrite
A sequential procedure for manufacturing design