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Volume 50 Number 5
Volume 50 Number 4
Volume 50 Number 3
Volume 50 Number 2
Volume 50 Number 1
Volume 49 Number 6
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Research Article

ScienceAsia 28 (2002) : 345-350 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2002.28.345


Heterosis for Seed Yield and Yield Components in Mungbean ( Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek)

GSS Khattaka, MA Haqa, EUK Marwata, M Ashrafb and P Srinivesc,*

ABSTRACT: Heterosis over mid, better and top parent values for yield and yield components were determined in a half diallel cross involving six diverse mungbean genotypes. The extent of heterosis varied bi-directionally according to crosses and characters, with the maximum for seed yield per plant and harvest index in the hybrids VC 1560D x ML-5 and 6601 x VC 1560D, respectively. The hybrids with maximum heterotic effect were 6601 x ML-5 for pods per plant, VC 3902A x ML-5 for seeds per pod, 6601 x ML-5 for branches per plant and pod clusters per plant, 6601 x VC 1560D for pods per cluster, and VC 3902A x ML-5 for biological yield. The hybrids involving ML-5, VC 1560D and VC 3902A as one of the parents gave superior yield and yield components than those others. The hybrids VC 1560D x ML-5 and 6601 x VC 1560D which produced high heterotic effects for seed yield could be a good source for developing high yielding mungbean varieties.

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a Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), P. O. Box 128, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
b Department of Botany, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
c Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom 73140, Thailand.

*Corresponding author, E-mail: agrpss@ku.ac.th

Received 7 Dec 2001, Accepted 19 Apr 2002