Research Article
ScienceAsia 25 (1999) : 073-075 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.1999.25.073
Direct Gene Transfer into Skeletal Muscle
of Seabass ( Lates calcarifer ) and
Black Tiger Prawns ( Penaeus monodon)
Zohrah Haji Sulaiman*
ABSTRACT: Gene expression after injection of plasmid pCMV -gal into muscle of seabass (Lates calcarifer)
and black tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon) was followed for 14 days. It was found that -gal expression
was first detected 1 day after injection in seabass and 2 days after injection in prawns. Expression
persisted up to 7 and 14 days after injection in seabass and prawns, respectively. Persistence of -gal
expression appears to be short-term in seabass, but this is probably due to high variability of gene
expression within samples. The relatively low intensity of -gal expression in prawns may suggest
specificity of the CMV-1E promoter to vertebrates. Incidence of samples positive for -gal expression in
seabass and prawns was 33.3% (7/21) and 20% (6/31), respectively.
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Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Tungku BE 1410,
Negara Brunei Darussalam.
* Corresponding author: E-mail:
Received 9 Jan 1999